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Will Uber Insurance Pay for My Accident

Unveil the Truth: Uber Insurance Coverage

Have you ever wondered what happens if you’re in an Uber accident in California? Who covers the damages? The answer might surprise you. In the Golden State, Uber provides insurance for its drivers, but it’s not always straightforward. 

Understanding your rights and the coverage available is crucial, especially if you’re involved in an accident. That’s where Uber accident lawyers come in. They can guide you through the complex world of insurance claims and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Quick Summary

Below is an overview of the key points of this blog article.

  • An Uber accident is when an Uber car crashes, either while taking a passenger, waiting for a ride, or after dropping someone off. It can cause injuries and damage, so it’s important to know your rights and what to do if you’re in one.
  • Uber accidents can happen for various reasons, often due to driver carelessness. Common causes include distracted driving, driver fatigue, speeding, and inexperienced drivers, all of which can lead to traffic accidents.
  • Figuring out who is at fault in an Uber accident can be tricky, as one or more parties might be responsible, including the Uber driver, another driver, government entities, vehicle manufacturers, or the Uber company itself.
  • Uber’s insurance can pay for accidents in different situations, depending on what happened and who was involved. The coverage can apply whether you’re not hurt, riding in an Uber, a pedestrian, or even when the driver isn’t working, but the details and amount of compensation depend on the specifics of each case and the laws in California.
  • Uber’s insurance structure for drivers is based on three periods, depending on what the driver was doing at the time of the accident. Period 1 offers no coverage from Uber if the app is off, Period 2 provides limited coverage when the app is on but no passenger is picked up, and Period 3 offers full coverage once a passenger is in the car.
  • Uber’s insurance coverage starts when the driver accepts a trip on their app and continues throughout the entire trip until it’s finished.
  • After an Uber accident in California, it’s crucial to take the right steps to file a claim and seek compensation for your damages. Key steps include consulting a lawyer, reporting the accident to the police and Uber, gathering evidence, and filing a claim within the two-year time limit set by California law.
  • In California, pure comparative negligence is used to determine fault in personal injury cases, including Uber accidents, which affects the amount of money you can receive in settlements.
  • If the passenger causes the accident, they’ll typically need to use their insurance to cover damages, but Uber may provide backup coverage if the passenger’s insurance is lacking. If another vehicle is at fault, their insurance should cover the damages, but if they’re uninsured or underinsured, Uber’s coverage may step in to protect both the driver and passengers.

What is an Uber Accident?

An Uber accident is a car crash that involves a vehicle used for Uber rides. It can happen while the Uber driver is taking a passenger to their destination, waiting for a ride request, or even after dropping off a passenger. 

Just like any other car accident, it can result in injuries, damage to the car, and other issues that need to be sorted out. If you’re involved in an Uber accident, it’s important to know your rights and what steps to take next.

What Are the Common Causes of Uber Accidents?

Uber car accidents can happen for different reasons, but they usually happen because a driver is not careful. Some common reasons an Uber driver might have an accident include:

Distracted Driving

Many things can distract a ridesharing driver, like talking on the phone, using the ridesharing app, talking to passengers, or changing the infotainment system. 

Driver Fatigue

While most Uber drivers work part-time, about 17 hours per week, they often do so on nights and weekends after working another job. The chance of having an accident goes up when drivers are tired and worn out.


Some Uber drivers may feel pressured to go over the speed limit to get their customers to their destination or accept more rides, which increases the chance of a traffic accident.

Inexperienced Drivers

Even though Uber requires new drivers to have a clean driving record and at least one year of driving experience, the company doesn’t require specific training. An Uber car accident can happen if a driver isn’t experienced in driving in California’s city areas.

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Uber Accident Injuries?

One of the main challenges with Uber accidents is figuring out who is at fault. In an Uber crash, one or more people might be responsible for your injuries, including:

Uber Drivers

In Uber accidents, the driver is often the one to blame. They may have to pay for your damages if their actions caused or mainly led to the accident and your injuries.

Another Driver

When the actions of a driver who is not with Uber cause a crash, they may have to pay for your injuries and damages.

Government Entities

Things like bad signs or poor road conditions can lead to Uber traffic accidents. You might be able to blame local government entities in charge of road maintenance for your Uber accident injuries.

Vehicle Manufacturers

If a problem with the car, like bad tires or a faulty Automatic Braking System (ABS), caused the crash, you might be able to get money from the manufacturer.

Uber Company

Uber drivers are seen as independent contractors, not like the employee drivers of a taxi company. This makes it harder to sue Uber for a car accident, as you need to figure out the driver’s status and possible negligence to blame the company.

Will Uber Insurance Pay for My Accident?

The simple answer is yes. People injured in Uber accidents can get paid in different ways, depending on what happened in their specific crash.

When You’re Not Hurt

If you’re in an Uber accident but not hurt, you can still get a refund for your ride by making a complaint through the app. It’s important to report the accident to Uber, especially if the police aren’t called, because if you don’t, the driver might not report it either. 

This could mean the driver continues working for Uber, even if their actions caused the accident.

When You’re Riding in an Uber

Uber has an insurance policy that covers victims of accidents when the driver has the app open, with potential compensation up to $1 million if the driver is at fault. However, in California, all parties involved can share some blame due to comparative negligence, meaning your driver may not be entirely at fault. 

You might receive payment for most of your losses from Uber’s insurance, but you may also need to seek additional compensation from other parties’ insurance. Writing a strong demand letter and presenting solid evidence is crucial to maximizing your insurance settlement.

When You’re a Pedestrian

Uber’s $1 million insurance policy also covers victims not in the car, like pedestrians hit by an Uber driver with the app open, regardless of whether there’s a passenger. California traffic laws support pedestrians getting compensation from Uber after an accident, as drivers must yield to pedestrians and drive safely. 

It’s rare for an injured pedestrian to be found even partly at fault in such cases in California.

When the Driver Isn’t Working

Uber’s insurance policy won’t cover accidents if the driver is at fault but the app is not open and active, leaving no passenger in the car. In such cases, the injured person must seek compensation from the driver’s personal insurance. 

California requires all drivers to have a minimum insurance coverage, but if injuries are severe, costs might exceed this minimum. If you’re injured by an “off the clock” Uber driver who is uninsured or underinsured, you may still get compensation through your own insurance or a personal injury lawsuit.

What is Uber’s Insurance Structure?

Uber drivers use their cars to carry passengers and are seen as ‘independent contractors.’ Uber wants their drivers to have their insurance. Even though Uber might not be responsible for many accidents, they offer different levels of insurance coverage. 

The coverage changes based on what the driver was doing during the accident, and it is split into three separate periods:

Period 1

If something bad happens when the driver’s app is off, Uber thinks the driver is using their car for personal stuff, so the company doesn’t give insurance coverage. So, during Period 1, Uber’s insurance usually doesn’t cover the driver. Instead, the driver’s insurance is the main coverage in case of an accident.

Period 2

If the driver is using the app but hasn’t picked up a passenger and has an accident, both the driver’s personal insurance and the rideshare company’s insurance might cover an injured third party. In this phase, the transportation company’s insurance is a backup to the driver’s personal insurance. 

This means that Uber’s policy might help with some coverage if the driver’s insurance isn’t enough to pay for the accident. Their coverage goes up to:

  • $50,000 bodily injury per accident
  • $100,000 bodily injury per person
  • $25,000 property damage per accident

Period 3

Uber’s insurance is most comprehensive in the third stage, providing full coverage once the driver accepts a ride and is on the way to pick up a passenger. This coverage protects against damage to others and injuries caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers, and it continues once the passenger is in the car.

  • $1,000,000 coverage for damage to others
  • At least $1,000,000 for injuries caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers
  • Coverage for car damage with a $2,500 part you pay (the driver has personal insurance that covers car damage)

When Does Uber’s Insurance Policy Coverage Start to Apply?

Uber gives insurance coverage from the time the driver accepts a trip on their app. It keeps going for the whole trip until it’s over. This includes the time it takes for the driver to drop off the passenger at their destination.

How Can I File a Claim After an Uber Accident in California?

It’s very important to do the right things after an Uber vehicle accident. Follow these steps to make a claim and get money for your damages:

Talk to a Lawyer

Uber accident lawyers can look at what happened in the accident and help you figure out if you have a good case. They can help figure out who is to blame if Uber can be held responsible, and which insurance companies to file with for damages.

Tell the Police About the Accident

Call the police to report the accident and make a police report as the law in California says. Get a copy of the report for your case’s records.

Tell Uber About the Accident

If one of the drivers in the accident was driving for Uber, give information about the accident to Uber through their questions portal. Follow the instructions on their website and give all the needed documents.

Gather Proof

Your lawyer can help you collect proof to show what happened in the accident and how badly you were hurt. This can include pictures and videos of the crash, statements from people who saw it, records of your medical costs, lost pay, medicine, and rehab.

File a Claim on Time

California has a time limit for filing claims about car accidents, including Uber vehicles. If you were hurt, you usually have two years from the date of the accident to make a claim against the people responsible.

How Does California’s Pure Comparative Negligence Affect My Injury Claim?

California uses pure comparative negligence when figuring out who is at fault in personal injury cases, including Uber accidents. The money you might get in Uber car accident settlements is reduced by how much you were at fault. For example, you were driving a vehicle when an Uber hit you at an intersection in California. 

While the Uber driver was speeding, you were distracted and didn’t start a left-hand turn until the light turned red. A court finds that the Uber driver is 80% responsible for the crash, so you are 20% liable. If you win $25,000 in damages, your award would be reduced to $20,000 based on your percentage of fault.

What Will Happen If the Passenger or a Third Party is at Fault During the Accident?

If the passenger’s actions caused the accident, they usually have to use their personal insurance to pay for the damages. But if they don’t have insurance or it’s not enough, Uber might help with backup liability coverage. If another vehicle is at fault during the accident, their insurance should pay for the damages. 

These include property damage and medical expenses. However, if they are uninsured or underinsured, Uber’s uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage may come into play to protect the drivers and the passengers.

Your Trusted Legal Partner for Fair Compensation in Uber Accident Cases in California

Dealing with an Uber accident in California can be tricky, especially when it comes to insurance matters. You want to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation for any damages or injuries. This is where Haffner Law can make a big difference.

At Haffner Law, we have a team of trusted Uber accident lawyers. We know the ins and outs of California’s insurance laws and can help you navigate the complex process. Our goal is to make sure you get the justice and compensation you deserve. If you’ve been involved in an Uber accident, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free case review. 

We can also assist you with Brain Injury and Back Injury. Let us take care of the legal details while you focus on your recovery.

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